Tuesday, October 27, 2009

All I wanted. . .

was some time alone to take a nap. I felt exhausted. The kids seemed tired so I was hoping they would take extra long naps. I layed them down, they were both quiet. Grace said she was tired. . .there was hope. Until about 45 minutes later when they both started screaming and jumping and yelling who knows what upstairs. I was almost asleep. I was so bummed. I knew if Obie was that wide awake after 45 minutes there was no way I was getting a nap. Today its cold and rainy and dark. Its the perfect day for a nice long nap. . .I guess the kids didn't get the memo. Bummer.

1 comment:

Team Inglis said...

can we just talk about something for a minute - you have a baby due in (according to babystrology) 38 days! 38 days!!! that is sooo exciting!! i can't believe when we come visit there is going to be a third bannon baby at the airport!!! ahhhhhh!!!!!