Prepare for some complaining. . .It started positive. . .we took Grace and Obie to Chuck E Cheese to celebrate/reward Grace for not wearing any diapers at night for the past 2 weeks. She was pretty excited and we made sure to get there before the crowds were there, so it was pretty relaxed. We were also able to enjoy some pizza for a mid morning snack. . .wasn't our first choice on food but what else are you going to do at Chuck E Cheese. Anyways, after Chuck E Cheese we came home, played a little and then it was nap time for the kids.
So all was going well. . .and then it happened. . .the beginning of my awful awful frustrating day. I took the kids upstairs with Mike. I don't know what the deal has been lately but the dogs seem to be rebelling. . .I saw poop in Grace and Obie's room. I decided to clean it up and not make Mike do it, so I walked into the dark bathroom, barefoot and it happened. . .cold poo smooshed right in the middle on my right foot. I was so annoyed. . .I cleaned that up and then went into the other room to clean up the rest. After they were down for their naps I decided I would look through some pictures and print some new ones off. . .since I have empty frames sitting around with funny looking brides in them and I just spent $60 on new ink. So I spend about 1 1/2 hours looking through pictures, editing a few and then decide I should try to print a few. Everything was fine except the printer kept telling me my ink was expired. I replaced all the color ink, with the new ones I bought. . .the only one left was the black which I hadn't bought. Anyways after messing with the stupid thing I decide I should just go buy a black cartridge for $20. (I hate spending money on ink just so you know, it took me several months to fork over the money for the color ink and not I had to buy the black too) So I buy the ink and am so proud I'm finally going to get the pictures printed. . .I decided since I was out I'd deposit a check, and stop by the grocery store. I deposited the check, with no problem and went to the store. All I needed was one thing, so I grab my wallet, run in and of course pick the longest line. . .I always pick the longest line, no big deal, I can be patient. Finally its my turn, I put my item on the belt, open my wallet and realize; no debit card, only a check book and they don't take checks. I tell the lady I forgot it in the car and I'll be right back. I go to the car; no debit card. No Where. I looked everywhere, decided I must have left it at the ATM machine. . .I'm mad, frustrated and just want to print my pictures so I go home. . .I made sure I told Mike how mad I was (poor Mike) and try to print my pictures with my new $20 ink. . .SAME STUPID ERROR MESSAGE! I turned it off, tried again and SAME THING! Now I'm really mad. Mike agrees to look online and call the company. . .It's an HP Photo printer which we have had for a few years but have only used it a handful of times. Mike calls and holds and holds and holds. So I give the kids a bath. . .I'll get back to the bath in a minute. After an hour on the phone the "oh so helpful" Indian man on the phone declares it broken. . .Thank you so much. He says we can go try to get it serviced or we could buy a new one from him (we get a choice of which one) and he can give us a 40% discount. OK, first of all I'm pretty sure the printer is JUNK! WHY WOULD I WANT ANOTHER ONE?!?!?! Second, I'm now soaking wet because you kept my husband on the phone for an hour for absolutely nothing. . .now back to the bath. . .not only am I wet (I can handle that) but I also broke the water handle. . .AND THE WATER WON'T TURN OFF! Can't anything be easy today!?!?!? I'm so ready for something to be easy. . .Mike went to a guys thing with people from church so I'm here alone. . .which I totally don't mind. . .I had some big plans actually. . .I was going to be very productive after I put the kids down for bed. . .like print some pictures. . .and some other things. . .I've decided to scratch all the "plans." I'm on to new bigger and better plans. . .my plan B. . .I'm going to have some cheese cake. . .yummy truffle cheese cake we bought from Costco yesterday. . .maybe that will turn things around. . .
I know, my life really isn't that bad. . .BUT the poop was up there on the bad list and I don't have too many bad days. . .I really don't like it. . .Oh, and just so you know I'm going to try to return all that STUPID ink!
glass mixing bowls
3 years ago
I'm so sorry! I hope your have a better Sunday and that there will be no dog poop and that you guys can somehow solve the printing problem!
Poor Stephaine!!!! I hope you have a good day On Sunday.
hahhaha... i hope you enjoyed your cheesecake! i am so sorry for your bad day! and hope they let you return all that ink. better day today i hope!!!
so steph,
i know that this was a horrible horrible day, but i couldn't help but laugh through reading it. who would have thought that all those things would happen in succession? sounds like a painful reality tv episode. hope today is better
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