we take pictures. Here are a few from yesterday. Not too much is going on. Mike's new class is going to be a killer. There are tons of things due weekly so all of Mike's spare time is spent watching lectures and doing assignments. We are counting down to June will it will finally be over and he will have his masters. I've just been hanging out attempting to be productive. Its not working very well, but I did manage to make some baby food this morning. G' has turned it Miss Artsy/Competitive. Everything she does is competitive. She has to bet someone at everything. Eating, getting dressed, running, everything. . .so we are trying to teach her how to lose graciously. . .since sometimes she isn't the fastest or the best. All of a sudden she has also started writing letters. She won't let me help her so she has figured it out on her own. O' is our boy. Full complete boy. He doesn't want to wear a shirt, he challenges everything I instruct him to do, he pushes his sister's buttons that he knows so so well and but he is still a complete sweetie. He kisses M' all the time, gives out hugs, offers his pink Easter eggs to his sister and is constantly making us laugh. What a boy. M' is 4 1/2 months. She still isn't really rolling much but she loves to reach for things and put them in her mouth. She is constantly drooling and we just started her on baby food. M' has been sleeping up to 12 hours straight at night. At most she wakes up once around 4am but overall she has been sleeping for huge stretches of time. Its unbelievable but we are definitely thankful.
glass mixing bowls
3 years ago
love this update on how everyone is doing. these photos are so sweet. haha, it's so lovely to hear what they are all up to these days... love you! xx
Those pictures are so cute, and that last one of Mattia is amazing. She is such a doll baby! Stephanie, you look great! You have really worked hard! That takes a lot of discipline to exercise so faithfully and take care of 3 little ones! I'm proud of you! Love, Mom B.
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