Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Grace has an obsession...clothes. Yes. She is 4. Yes. She has an obsession. Every time I turn around she has something new on. She flip flops between her "normal" dresses and princess dresses. After nap time she ended up in this beauty. Its her Halloween costume from two years ago. She loves it. When she first got it, it was too long. Not anymore. She wanted to play Cinderella so I was instructed to boss her around in a mean voice. I was the mean stepmother. I'm always the mean stepmother. I tried to convince her to let me be Cinderella but she had none of it. I was able to get my porch swept though.


meppalmer said...

Totally like her "Aunt Jenny"- maybe she is preparing to be the next "Style Crusader". She could have her own little blog!

the style crusader said...

haha, she is so funny stephanie! was great to talk to you yesterday! xx