Tuesday, September 16, 2008


For those of you who have visited in the past several. . .we more the several months you may know our earthquake causing buddy. . .yes the downstairs potty. Its now good when you have to think twice about using the potty due to its loud yelling and massive pipe jiggling. So as of Sunday, the earthquakes have come to a stop. We took a little trip to Lowes, purchased at $6.57 part and fixed the potty within an hour. Why didn't we do it sooner. . .who knows, we like to suffer.


The Spicy Chickadee said...

lol, sounds like mike and me. there were so many little things on our house that we didn't bother to fix until we put it on the market. we never got to enjoy them. i guess we learned our lesson for the next house we're in.

David and Sara Hopson said...

I guess now we can come back for another visit since we can flush at night...