some people around here don't think I'm the boss. I didn't realize that when I asked them to do something some how my words were magically transformed into a dare. What part of don't take off your shoes do you not understand?!?! You see, we were at the park. An old park with tiny rocks everywhere. One little girl, who happens to belong to me, decided it would be a great idea to take off her shoes and socks. . .because she was hot. I immediately told her to put them on. She then ran off. When told to put them on or we would have to go home, I was stared down. Boy enters the picture. . .he runs over to me, sits down, takes off his shoes and socks, throws them and runs after the little girl. When I followed threw with my "so called threat" of going home the cries erupted. . .wailing and begging. Sobbing and pleading. Please give me a break. . .are you kidding. What part of put your shoes on do you don't understand and why is that so hard?!?!? I walked back to the car with one happy littlest girl and two sobby, teary, broken down monsters following.
Great story, Stephanie! I'm so proud of you for following through on what you told them. You're a good mom!!!! Love you!!!!! Wawa
It's hard being a parent! Your story brings back so many memories. Good for you for sticking to your guns and going home. Hopefully next time they will remember that (but don't be shocked if they do it again). Hope today is better. Miss and love ya, Mom
thanks for your note....
love seeing little peeks across the states of other sweet families.. and oh boy does this
mommyhood thing.. take the life right out of you somedays...
I actually said outloud in Joanns today..
some lady looked at me shocked and I smiled sweetly and acted like I didn't know who said that...
I was certain not to use his name again in public!! :)
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