We took a few pictures of Grace for a photo contest. So here is one of them. Next is my sink load of dishes. . .no matter how many I do they are still there. Note to self: Next house;GET A DISHWASHER.
Oh, just so you know I don't always look like that. It was 7am and I just woke up.
Here is Mr. Blue eyes who loves ice cream. Then there is Grace minding her own buisness for once and playing in the rain.
What a great day. Its cool and misty. We took a walk to Main Street. Had some purple ice cream, played in the gazebo and headed home. Now its nap time. Except for me. I'm not exactly motivated. I've got a sink load of dishes, a half made treat sitting on the counter and toys everywhere. Maybe if I stare at this screen long enough it will all go away. Things are going well. . .for the most part. Well except for a few small details. I did a mailer for work and used the mail machine to put the postage on. Little did I know I had to mail them that day. . .I mailed them 3 days later so I may have 300 envelopes sitting on my desk tonight. . .along with 300 wasted stamps. Saturday we had our bikes halfway fall off the back of our van all while traveling 60 miles per hour down a major highway. . .no one was injured or even died. . .except for Mike's petal and frount wheel. So over all not too bad. That has been all our excitement. We will keep you posted and can't wait to see what going on with all you guys. Jenny! Hello JENNY! UPDATE YOUR BLOG!!!